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Fig. 2 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Selective regulation of endophytic bacteria and gene expression in soybean by water-soluble humic materials

Fig. 2

Assembly of soybean endophytic bacterial community. Nonmetric multi-dimensional scale (NMDS) ordinations and PERMANOVA analysis based on Bray-Cutis distance in the (A) different development stages, (B) vegetative growth, and (C) flowering stages. Stress showed the representativeness of NMDS, stress < 0.2 indicated the figure was credible, and the fit was sufficient. The R2 and p were PERMANOVA results, R2 stands for the contribution of factors to community assembly differences, and p < 0.05 indicated that factors significantly affected the assembly of bacterial community. (D) Sobs index of the endophytic bacterial community under different treatments in the vegetative growth and flowering stage. (E) Quantification of endophytic bacteria under different treatments in the vegetative growth and flowering stage. Different letters above the error bar indicate a significant difference between means (One-way ANOVA with Duncan’s test, p < 0.05). Data are means ± SD (n = 9). V: vegetative growth stage; F: flowering stage; Con: root watering with deionized water; WSHM: root watering with WSHM

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